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Countdown Popup

Usage example


This is a usage example of the Countdown Popup template. It can be reproduced simply by preparing an image and changing the setting items.

How to set

  1. Please set up the Countdown Popup template in advance (/set-up/countdown-popup).
  2. Prepare an image to use. Crop the prepared image considering the margin inside the popup and the margin between the content elements. With this setting, the image below will be trimmed when it blinks.


  1. Follow the steps in How to set up to open the campaign creation screen and change the setting items on the left side of the screen.


  1. Change the setting items. (Only changes from the template are listed)

Display conditions

  • Countdown end time: Please set the countdown end time
  • Popup left and right position: Center
  • Popup top and bottom position: Center
  • Popup Width: 486px
  • Popup Rounded Corners: 10px

Common Buttons

  • Button Text Color: #000000
  • Button Border Color: #F2C012
  • Button Background Color : #F2C012


  • Body Text: Blank
  • Popup Image URL: Enter the image URL


  • Button Text: "Check Sale Venue"
  • Button URL: Enter the destination URL

If you want to make fine adjustments, you need to adjust the source code at the bottom of the template creation screen.