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Mobile Carousel Android

Configuration on Mobile Data Campaign

RecItemTitleTitleRecommend Items
RecItemTitleAlignTitle Aligncenter (pick either left or center or right)
RecItemTitleFontColorTitle Color#333333 (HEX, RGBA ,etc)
RecItemTitleFontSizeTitle Font Size30px
RecItemsRecommend Items${items}

※ Set these properties of Mobile Data Campaign

Installation Step

  1. Set Mobile Data Campaign with the documentation
  2. Open the file downloaded on the top page
  3. Place carousel.html from mobile > popup > android to the local directory
  4. Add the code below to layout xml file from res > layout
  1. Create RecommendItem file in model directory
class RecommendItem(
val id: String,
val name: String,
val imageUrl: String,
val price: Double,
): Serializable
  1. Add the code below inside onStart method of Activity Class
handlerRecommendItem = CampaignHandler { campaign ->
if (!campaign.isControlGroup) {
val recitems ="RecItems")
val titleText =["RecItemTitle"]
val titleSize =["RecItemTitleFontSize"]
val titleColor =["RecItemTitleFontColor"]
val titleAlign =["RecItemTitleAlign"]

val campaignItem = CampaignItem(
titleText as String,
titleSize as String,
titleColor as String,
titleAlign as String,

recommendItemArray.add( Gson().toJson(campaignItem) )

for (i in 0 until recitems.length()) {
val id = recitems.getJSONObject(i)["_id"]
val name = recitems.getJSONObject(i)["name"]
val imageUrl = recitems.getJSONObject(i)["imageUrl"]
val price = recitems.getJSONObject(i)["price"]

val recItem = RecommendItem(
id as String,
name as String,
imageUrl as String,
price as Double,

recommendItemArray.add( Gson().toJson(recItem) )

val carouselWebView = findViewById<View>( as WebView
carouselWebView.webChromeClient = WebChromeClient()
carouselWebView.settings.javaScriptEnabled = true

carouselWebView.webViewClient = object : WebViewClient() {
override fun shouldOverrideUrlLoading(view: WebView, request: WebResourceRequest): Boolean {
Log.d("CLICK", request.url.toString())
// Handle URL clicked inside the webview
return true

override fun onPageFinished(view: WebView, urlString: String) {
// Pass the data of Mobile Data Campaign to webview
Log.i("campaign", campaign.getData().toString())

// Here it sets "App Foreground" to trigger Mobile Data Campaign
screen.trackAction("App Foreground")
screen.setCampaignHandler(this.handlerPopup, "the value you set as Target")